Brothers help me parse out something that is on my mind. MAP is progressing as planned, lifting and sidebar on track. Dread level 5.

The niggle in my mind is the following: Ways back in my depths of betadom, my wife suggested twice I should get someone else for sex. Obviously testing to see if her beta is still submissive.

Another was she kept on encouraging me to go to a show I wanted to see and she didn't, with her friend who's husband did not want to see the show either.

This topic has not been on the table since unplugging, but out of the blue she starts making the sugestion me and her friend go to the movies, once again a movie I want to go and see and she doesn't. Same for the friend's husband.

And her request for me to take the kids to the water park along with the kid's friends freshly divorced mother. This one is not too much of a stretch as I was planning on taking them anyway, we just synced our logistics.

Lately sex has become less enthusiastic. Hard no's are plenty.

I am currently on leave and she has started her new job. Twice she made the suggestion that I take the kids up early to my moms for xmas while she stays behind, joining us later. Nothing wrong with the sugestion per se, just the speed that it was put as an option.

My thoughts on the matter are:

  • My dread game has become stale and she sees through it. Her wanting to send me out on activities with other women indicates she feels zero dread.

  • She wants out of the marriage by some covert means.

  • Snowflake has actually got someone on the side.

  • All of the above.

Did I miss anything?