Females, possessing little intrinsic value beyond their beauty and child-rearing abilities, have compensated by developing some pretty effective dating tactics. These tactics can be powerful tools in the arsenal of a TRP-aware man.

This is meant to be a quick-and-dirty field guide to said tactics, with some tips for practical implementation sprinkled in. It is by no means an exhaustive list.

  1. The pullback. How she uses it: everything is going great, you are communicating back and forth, and the sex is regular. Then suddenly she stops texting you back right away, seems more distant, and stops making herself available to you. Every single chick will eventually do this, no matter how great things are going or how strong your frame is. Maybe she goes from texting you every morning to texting once a week, or she goes from responding in 5 minutes to responding after an hour. Whatever the specifics are, eventually she will pull back. And you can never point this out or make a big deal about it, because of course she will gaslight you, pretend she's doing nothing different, and you will come across as a needy paranoid bitch. How to respond: you feed her silence with silence. She pulls back, you pull back more. Never acknowledge it, protest it, or complain about it. Use it as an excuse to make yourself less available. How to turn the tables: pull back first. You dont need a reason or an explanation. Drop off the radar for a weekend. Leave her on read for a couple days. Time it so that just when she feels comfortable with you and things are going great, pull back for no reason. Max hamster.

  2. Mystery. How she uses it: women are unknowable, mysterious creatures- at least, that's what she wants you to think. She does things for no reason or explanation, she does not reveal her motives, and she does not telegraph her intentions. How to respond: (1) understand that she is a very simple creature. Just because her behavior is beyond her own understanding does not mean it is mysterious or unknowable. She is a goofy bitch who lives in the moment, operates on her feelings, and is never responsible for anything that she does or that happens to her. There is nothing complex about it. (2) ignore her words altogether and judge her based on her actions. That will eliminate most of the mystery (3) ask questions and pay attention. Women like to play up the feminine mystique, but their weakness is that they cannot for the life of them shut the fuck up. Stay silent and ask questions and eventually she will reveal everything. She can't help it. How to turn the tables: be mysterious. Learn to shut your mouth and hold your tongue. When she asks you a question, give a good answer but never give full disclosure. Never provide more info than you have to. Never announce your interest or motivations. It makes such a difference to a woman HOW you say something. So even if you have something "high-value" to share, never volunteer it up front (this comes across as validation-seeking). Make her work for it. Let it come up naturally and nonchalantly. For example, my social circle includes some minor celebrities. If I tell a girl about them, it may raise my value or it may seem try hard. But if I say nothing of it, and she DISCOVERS this information through her questions and her own feminine intuition, it will pay tenfold. Not only will you seem cool and non-needy, but it also makes her wonder what other cool shit you have going on in your life that she doesnt know about.

  3. Denial of sex. How she uses it: most low value women dont have much to offer beyond their sex, so they like to leverage access to their holes as some kind of incentive or way to lord over you. How to respond: never negotiate for pussy and never beg for it. The best way to respond to a denial of sex is to fuck someone else. Never come across as eager or thirsty or needy. How to turn the tables: next time she is horny, flip the script on her and turn her down. Tell her you dont want to have sex right now. Women love to deny sex, but they dont respond well to being the one denied. It makes her feel even more powerless to you. Try it out.

  4. Gaslighting. How she uses it: you take your girlfriend to a party. While there, you notice that she is talking to other guys, getting a little too close and being a little too friendly with them. On the way home you bring up the flirting, but of course she denies it completely. Not only did she not flirt, but you've been acting really jealous and paranoid lately and she doesnt like it. How to respond: stay emotionally detached. Dont let her see how much of an effect she is having on you. How to turn the tables: you can avoid most explanations by simply refusing to give one and implying that its her fault. Basically any time you screw up, be steadfast in your refusal to accept responsibility or even acknowledge wrongdoing. If she pushes you on it then start getting angry and say "see this is why I can never talk to you" and walk away.

  5. Branch swinging. How she uses it: she's not going to leave a relationship with a decent guy unless she's already got something else lined up. The corollary to this: women always keep their options open and always have a few potential replacements on standby. How to deal with it: abundance motherfucker, do you have it? How to turn the tables: always keep two in the kitty. Keep flirting, keep chatting, keep your options open. Women always have a couple dudes in the background who want to fuck them. Keep a couple chicks in the background who want to fuck you. This will give you the right kind of confidence.

  6. No obligation. How she uses it: no woman feels obligated to give any man pussy. No matter how friendly you are, how many favors you do for her, or how much of your resources, time, and energy you invest in her, she will never feel obligated to give you sex. How to respond: stay single and keep your investment low. You will never feel burned by a chick if you never invest anything in her to begin with. How to turn the tables: start to view your TIME and COMMITMENT with the same value that women view their PUSSY. I owe no female anything. I owe her no time or attention. No matter how much she does for me, no matter how many times she swallows my nut or cooks me breakfast, I feel no obligation to make her my girlfriend or wife. Men do not realize the power we have. Embrace the "new books" standard of zero obligation. Guard your commitment the way chicks guard their pussy from men who are friendzoned.

Good luck fellas