Hi guys,

I need some advice. I'm early 30s and married when I was 20, because my then girlfriend needed a Greencard, though she denies it till today and insists it was because we were so in love with each other.

Anyway, I was broke most of my earlier years between University, a dropout and low paying jobs. And if she could have left me then she probably would have, but for reasons (no job, no language, no connections) she didn't.

Fast forward I am a small business owner, with 3 employees, very soon with around 8, because I am buying an old competitor out, in a white collar industry.

Admittedly it is very hard for me to turn the ship around at home, because for more than a decade I didn't own my shit. I didn't brought in the money, I didn't work out and my marriage was and is still partly dieing a long painful death.

At work it is a totally different story. I am the youngest, and well dressed in the office and employees are very respectful. I get told in my face how much of a catch I would be and notice getting eyed, a thing that didn't happen in the past, so I must be doing something right in the eyes of these post-wall women. At home I am in the following stage

Your mind will be consumed by your lack of sex and intimacy and your relatiionship will be defined by a massive lack of respect.

With my current acquisition my company is about to make 400k a year revenue. With so many employees it's not much, but it is so much better than being broke.

Though I have continuous nagging at home for not hiring my wife, and why I employ other women at my company, instead of my wife, and send my wife to work full time for other men. "Any real man with an Office, wouldn't let his wife return at home at 10pm from a shitty low paying job."

Objectively she would be a good candidate. She has the right qualifications, is good looking and hard working. But her lack of respect at home make my stomach clinch.

Furthermore some good employees already don't like the idea (hiring decisions are team decisions), because they have seen her being "hysterical".

On the one side I need to hire an assistant to assist me in the acquisition process. On the other hand I haven't been able to tame her, so she is still a risk factor, since I heard at least from one qualified employee that he would consider quiting, if I hired her.

My gut feeling tells me that hiring her is a high risk high reward situation. I would have the mother of my child in the office. I would fuck her whenever nobody is around (that's part of the job description) and if she works as hard as she does elsewhere, she would be a benefit.

The risks are that she wouldn't be able to accept a subordinate role to other more experienced female employees and would probably try to use her connection to me for power trips. Though any display of lack of respect will be reprimanded early and swiftly by me, which would in turn create problems at home. Also she is the jealous type of person, which might create conflict and a bad atmosphere.

I don't need bitch fights. But I also am quite guilt-tripped by her for not doing my duty. By the way, I have a fully implemented performance measurement system that tracks everything that can be tracked, so I would see very quick if she does her job or not.

I don't know whom else to ask for advice. All around are my employees who are unanimously against it and beta males who are in favor.

I personally am inclined to test her out. See how things work out, and if they don't (aka she doesn't let me fuck her), fire her. Sounds good in theory, but nobody believes that this kind of golden way works in real life.

So what do you guys think?