As many of you may know, a teenager was ruthlessly slayed in the Bronx not too long ago. Normally, this would hold no significance in this subreddit, but the motive behind the killing was something that opened my eyes to how the world works and how dangerous getting with the wrong female could be.

Lessandro Guzman-Feliz, a/k/a Junior, was brutally murdered outside of a Bronx bodega by several other men with machetes. The worst part about it is that the kid was killed for no reason. He wasn't the kid they were looking for. The reason they were looking for the kid is because of an alleged video he recorded when he was having sex with a girl. What does this tell us?

The men that killed Junior will go to jail. They'll all be tried and they'll all get life sentences or the chair. There's clear video that shows them murdering him. There's no doubt about that. What grinds my gears about the whole thing is that the reason this murder ever took place is because of a female that opened her mouth about what she chose to do on her own time.

A girl decided to go out, get dick, and when the wrong person found out, she blamed it all on the guy. Because of this, a kid's life was lost, the assailants are going to jail (rightfully so), but nobody will ever point a finger at the girl and blame her. Of course! How could it be her fault? It must've been the guy's fault, right? It's not like she LET him have sex with her.

The point I'm trying to convey is that we could all learn something from this situation. Never plate a girl that has a big mouth. You know the type I'm talking about. Be careful before you fuck a girl. Never stick your dick in crazy. Although Lessandro couldn't have prevented this from happening, it's always sad to see a fifteen year old kid lose his life because of a girl that willingly took dick and pushed her ASD to the point where some kid had to die.