So we are on trial separation (never works I know and I’ve seen the data)

I’m in Indiana (no alimony state for the win) wife has been working at her job for almost a year and almost certainly would not qualify for spousal support (capped at 3 years even if she somehow was awarded it)

She is moving out in 10 days (I had to co-sign on an apartment that she couldn’t afford on her own) she continues to spend as if she has money to spend and maintains to everyone that she hopes we will stay together.

I plan on forcing a separation of finances in 2-4 months after documenting spending habits by both parties and avg financial obligations (bills)

During the separation I intend to document all parenting time (waking and total hours) although I anticipate a 50/50 split in the event of divorce. Going by the states .gov child support calculator with a 50/50 split and my being required of medical and childcare she would only receive ~$400 a month. With her income (roughly $650-$700) a week and child support I’m not sure what kind of place she could find to live.

I am not an evil person and do not wish for her to struggle mainly to not let my children see her struggle. However, I have done more than my fair share in this relationship and do not wish to financially burden myself in order for her to get what she wants.

Given the above knowledge and that I can afford to refinance the home (maintain the status quo) and pay her her portion of the equity as well as offer to finish paying off her car is realistic in assuming I won’t be put on the hook for more in monthly compensation.

What else might I need to consider?