I apologise in advance if this is informal. I saw a Tik Tok claiming that men only bring up our societal issues as a means of "invalidating women's issues and gas-lighting them into silence". And women supposedly don't do this when men talk about their issues because women are "naturally empathetic". Hmmm, interesting...

So feminists are being 'naturally empathetic' when they respond with statements like "by other men", "but men invented muh patriarchy", "yeah well who put those rules in place"?

Do you think feminists were being 'naturally empathetic' when Jezebel wrote an article when women were proudly stating the ways that they abused their male partners?

I wonder if feminists were 'naturally empathetic' when Wendy Williams mocked Terry Crews after opening up about his sexual assault story; or when Barbara Walters shamed Corey Feldman for breaking the silence on his childhood abuse from Hollywood?

Are feminists being 'naturally empathetic' now with the Me Too organisation still doing fuck-all to address the Amber Heard siuation?

As shown on this sub a couple of days ago, were feminists being 'naturally empathetic' when they claimed that men only bring up our societal issues as a means of "pushing a narrative"?

And last but not least, I highly doubt feminists are being 'naturally empathetic' when they say "kill all men".

And I'm aware that it's not all women who say stuff like this, but women as a whole are not these perfect delicate little flowers that can do no wrong. Whether you're a man, a woman, a dysphoric enby, whatever, arseholes exist regardless of gender. Lots of men can be empathetic, and lots of women are arseholes.

Again, apologies if this was informal, I'm just sick and tired of the constant narrative of men being these soulless monsters and women being these loving caring Goddesses on Earth.