Edit: Wage Gap Consideration and Implications of Feminist Pursuits

I've been hearing a lot of notable and serious professionals denying the wage gap, but confirming there is a total earnings disparity. It stands to reason that these men aren't hoarding all of these moneys to themselves. If women have total earnings near to men, even in double digit figures, how much of the male earnings end up being spent on females?

Well, shitloads, right? I mean, minor daughters, college women, and part-time moms are expensive. If they're not earning their own way, where is this money coming from? Dad, right? So, with varying degrees of spectrum, the dad will likely spend a lot less on himself than his family or romantic interests (yes, even family men cheat).

Let's consider then, the Feminist agendum to close the "wage gap", which is largely coming out, not only as a myth, but a(n intentionally or unintentionally) disguised effort to get women paid the same no matter what job they have chosen to do - no matter how valuable it is to society: this adjustment in resource accumulation will make life harder on women, because they will be expected to earn their own way in their life pursuits. (Yes, I'm sure the more clever ones will still swindle men out of their equal pay).

The point I'm interested in having discussed after all of the segue is the current model for resource distribution is being touted by feminists as unfair, when in fact they are the greatest consumers of wealth by most measures. Furthermore, a blind effort to create equal distribution of wealth will drive a social and emotional wedge between men and women, not because equal treatment is bad, but robbing men of the fruits of their labor - which they already currently give in family models around the globe - will cause men to prefer non-traditional family models that women do not want and in which they will likely suffer varying degrees of emotional solitude. Essentially, would both genders not be valued less for their unique contributions to the family?