For those who don't know, the sub FemaleDatingStrategy (FDS) is one of the many male-hate subs on Reddit.

They dehumanize men, treat men like money machines and consistently talk hatefully about men but Reddit and subs like /r/AgainstHateSubreddits only care about the transphobia on the sub, not the rampant misandry.

So imagine my surprise when I search for "dating" (an innocent enough search) and the third result is FDS.

This means that when impressionable children, boys and girls of all the ages Reddit allows, type in "dating", a HATE SUB is the third result.

Dating advice? - Same result.

Imagine if google led all men searching for dating advice to misogynistic and hate subs.

It's 10th in "relationships" because you don't want to form a cisthet relationship without considering how Men Are Evil, do you?

/r/TwoXChromosomes is third in this search, and they are too often just a less explicit version of FDS.

Reddit doesn't care about men and harbours subs that promote hate against men.

Therefore, Reddit is a hate site.