I know the usual outcome for these kinds of posts is to attack the question-asker, but I’m actually looking for more of a general discussion here.

First, my stats:

Mid-thirties, 6'2", 179 lbs, 11% bf Navy Method, married over a decade, multiple young kids.

SQ 5x235 lbs, BP 5x220 lbs, OHP 5x143 lbs, BR 5x215 lbs, DL 5x335 lbs

I’ve been doing Stronglifts 5x5 since December 2019. I started with the bar. I love powerlifting. I love getting stronger. I love beating my old PRs and watching the numbers go up.

My buddy has been doing a bodybuilding routine for years. He does low weights for tons of reps. He looks strong as hell. Emphasis on “looks.” I quickly discovered that I passed him on all of the big compound lifts. Obviously, I gave him shit about this. Every time, his rebuttal was to send me a selfie of him flexing. I have to admit he still looks way more fit than me, even though I know it’s all an illusion.

That got me thinking: In terms of sexual strategy with women, is powerlifting or bodybuilding more effective?

I know, I know, be your own mental point of origin, don’t care what women think, etc. But the red pill is about optimizing sexual strategy, so let’s optimize.

Realistically, no woman cares what you can bench or squat or deadlift. They care how you look and how you make them feel. Past a certain strength threshold (strong enough to carry your woman to bed or get a couch up a flight of stairs), I’m wondering if powerlifting offers diminishing returns in terms of sexual market value. Maybe bodybuilding is the better approach.

For the record, I get why the married red pill sidebar recommends powerlifting. It gives you a way to measure progress and shows other commenters where you’re at in your journey. The only way to measure bodybuilding is to look in the mirror, which is subjective. For myself, I plan to stick with powerlifting through Stronglifts before eventually transitioning to PHAT, which mixes powerlifting and hypertrophy elements.

So what do you think? In a crowded bar, who gets more girls: A guy who powerlifts, or a guy who does bodybuilding?