This little mantra has been popping into my head lately. A lot of lvm are so immature and will play little games or try shit testing you quick and I've been stopping myself. I'll see some lazy response or that he hasn't responded to me and it's been 48 hours 🚩and then I'll think to myself "f around and find out" and "play stupid games, win stupid prizes" and it then helps me not to feel disappointed, tired, angry, or sad. It's just like oh, well he decided to be a scrote and now he's getting blocked so he will see how that turned out for him.

Want to bread crumb me? Consequence is being blocked.

Asked me to a restaurant and now is trying to Bait and switch to a park? Consequence is I leave and block.

Real life example guy I vetted knew I really disliked a certain type of genre. When he pulled up in his car, he quick changed the radio to that genre of music and then did an evil grin. Then mentioned "I know I told you I didn't like this either but let's have it on" and then turned it up. Told him I'd follow his car from the restaurant to the movies (i drive seperate snd wont get in a mans car) but after that I ended up driving home. Again f around and find out.

When you go to a carnival you can't win that sweet prize when you made a horrible shot. Poor aim and missing all the baskets results in no prize. And since these scrotes want to play games (pua tactics, red p1ll, shit tests, games like bread crummbing etc) then they get no prize.

Actions have consequences don't reward their bad behavior or entertain red flags and try to keep your emotions at bay so its easier to walk away or/and block him.