Never trust a thirsty guy!

What do I mean?

Thirsty guys are guys who absolutely can’t get laid to save their lives, they are the ones to watch out for. Why do I say this?

Because thirsty guys see everything through a ‘thirsty guy’ lense. They cannot possibly comprehend another motive for a man doing something other than to get pussy.

You see it all over this sub. It’s a projection. The thirsty man is only motivated by the pursuit of pussy, so he believes that’s exactly how other men think. Desperate, and as a result, are typically more willing to throw other people (even their male friends) under the bus for anything that looks like a chance with the opposite sex.

Which is why you can’t trust a thirsty guy, he’s always acting in the interests of his dick and no other reason.


If you’re a sex-having man with a sexless friend in your group, be wary, because they might move VERY unexpectedly when they feel pussy is on the line.

Disclaimer: having sex ≠ Chad status