A few guys have responded to my comments and posts with this common theme of needing to remember to enjoy the ride. This post is to those Men who have forgotten to have fun and find comfort in the discomfort of living life as a Masculine Male in our feminized society.

The root cause of this issue is a combination of being too rigid in your application of The Red Pill andyour inability to kill your ego.

Being Too Rigid

When you initially unplug you are trying to figure out what in the actual fuck is going on. You’re seeing the world through a new lens and while nothing about the people or environment has changed, everything seems different.

This is because you are now on the outside looking in. You’re no longer in the race but are now observing others running through the maze. Interactions with your wife, other Men, observing other couples… TRP opens your eyes to a level of interaction that you were oblivious to and that is equally motivating as well as terrifying.

The rage (anger phase) that comes from this is rough. You think of wasted time, the lies that were believed, the fact that you aren’t special and you are alone in this. As a Man you are the more romantic of the sexes and because of this you have built this romanticized version of how things are supposed to work (thank you Mr. Disney).

So you discover TRP, recognize things for what they are and you begin reading, lifting, and applying your knowledge.

Here is where most guys are getting in their own fucking way

You are working on yourself and trying to figure your own mind and your role out and while doing so you attempt to lay down some solid boundaries. Except, you make everything a boundary and before you know who the fuck you are as a Man and what your new ‘enlightened’ brain wants to do in this life you begin to work on improving your wife.

You don’t know what you want, you don’t know who you really are or where you fit in, and you’re uncomfortable with this new truth & reality. Now is Not a good time to start laying down these ridiculous boundaries that you don’t even know you want yet.

I fully believe in the STFU until you know what the fuck you’re doing program. You’ve been a weak fuck for years; you don’t fix that in 1 month. Draw the basic boundaries, refuse to be disrespected, remove time and attention and only give it when it’s earned, make yourself a priority (eating right/time for the gym) but do not start demanding that you’ll have sex 3 times a week, and blowjobs are on the table, and your wife will submit to your lead.

You need to work on you and most importantly, while you are working on you, remember to remain like an amoeba, being flexible during the adjustment period.

Maybe you don’t get the blowjobs you want, give it time you’re SMV/Game/Dread aren’t there yet - and that is A O Fucking K this is self-improvement for life, not sprint to get there in 2 months. TRP isn’t a race to see how fast you can become a Man again; this isn’t a contest where you win upvotes online. This is no shit your fucking life.

Maybe your wife fucks up; shit tests you, and outright does the opposite of what you tell her to. Don’t sulk and get pissed and think, Fuck I need TRP to tell me what to do, was this shit or comfort, do I need to Lift??(yes) Just sit back and smile in her face, she’s being a woman enjoy that.

AWALT, you are not plagued with some psycho bitch (there are exceptions) this is just your chick being a chick. Enjoy that. You're sore from the gym, tired from work, hungry as fuck from fasting and your wife gets on you for forgetting to mow the lawn - Do Not Get Pissed She is right, you should have handled your responsibilities and she doesn’t give a fuck how you feel, nobody does. You’re a Man, you’re expendable.

So Smile, then mow the lawn with your shirt off and let the neighbor’s wife leak like a faucet while your muscles bounce around (if you’re fat keep the shirt on, ain’t nobody got time for that).

You need to find joy in these interactions as they are nothing more than signs of your progress. You’re recognizing your wife for what she is and are taking the actions necessary to become the Masculine Male she’s always wanted you to be.

  • Find comfort in the discomfort

  • smile through the process

  • Fix YOU before you try dropping boundaries on HER

Killing The Ego

Your ego is always trying to protect you. If you can’t say right now that you’re being a weak mother fucking betafuck in regards to (insert where you’re fucking up) or that your wife’s failures are actually reflections of your piss poor leadership then you still have some killing to do.

All of your success and All of your failures are entirely on You.

Your wife challenges you? She doesn’t respect you. – Should she? Why?

Your friends walk all over you? Are you letting them? Why?

Your job sucks? What are you doing about it?

Your wife cheated and you stuck with her? Why bring it up again and again, destroy the past own it before it destroys and Owns you.

“She keeps testing me” GOOD. When she stops is when it’s over.

The opposite of Love is not Hate it’s Apathy.

Your ego can prevent you from true growth. It will block any form of introspection as it will deflect ownership/responsibility from you thus preventing you from discovering the true root of your problem, you.

Kill your ego, take as an objective approach as you can and just accept that you fucked up and for you to unfuck yourself you need to work on you.

It’s your fault and that’s fine. Fix it. Don’t talk about understanding what I’m saying on this forum then telling your wife she’s a fucking nag.

Apply what you’ve learned and embrace the suck.

Acta, Non Verba