I have been lurking the past few weeks because washing my eyes with bleach was not an option. A little over a month ago, after a few months of my husband acting all weird, I discovered he was following theredpill and boy was I in for a rollercoaster.

Do NOT go rambo. If your woman notices anything within a couple months besides you dressing better and working out then you are doing it wrong.

We had our wonderful times, our low times but we were on track again. I loved him so much- we have 3 beautiful children, a roof, a great life, health, friendships.... I used to feel safe in his arms, loved- Not anymore.

Let that sink in. The same relationship that had this man living a quite life of desperation, that drove him to google "how to make my wife love me again" or some shit at 1AM, was just fine for this woman. No mention of if "being off track" was her emotional affair or cheating.

About five months ago something changed. I couldn't pinpoint exactly what. I started really hating going back home, I felt accosted for sex all the time, I felt miserable all around.

Sounds like this guy didn't have enough fucks to give about this relationship to do MRP right. All this guy wanted was for his wife to fuck him, but now she's talking about divorce based on what websites you visit. You are supposed to be fun and benevolent. I guess we need The Family Alpha around more to talk about being a good captain.

If this man's greatest crime is coming on to his wife every day when she wasn't attracted to him then this sucks bro, I'm sorry. But if you tried to quick-fix her instead of yourself then this is exactly what we warn everyone about.

One time , I had the flu and declined sex- he was upset and accused me of "always being sick, never wanting sex"(we have sex at least once a week- sometimes more- but always at least once).

I can feel this guy's butthurt from here. Alternatively, she is "sick" 5 days a week and we are seeing her post-rationalization.

I noticed him flirting with a friend of ours. Maybe i deserved it- maybe i was a horrible human being, a lousy spouse.

I mean, your husband hates his life and feels unloved and will try anything to make it better and stay married to you, but all you want is validation that you've done the best you can and want therapy and a divorce.

Trying to flirt is cringy, being attractive enough that women want to talk to you and fun and engaging conversations are expected to just spring up around you is not. This guy sounds like he skipped to Level 8 in a couple months. Level 8 is right before you tell her you need to have sex to stay in this relationship.

I started to think perhaps he would be happy if i wasn't in the picture- even my kids would be happier. I got treated like a child- I was even told He didn't trust me making good food choices so grocery shopping was his responsibility. I was told I was fat- need a beach body!

She loved him sooo much, but is ready to divorce because he wants to grocery shop for the house and have an attractive wife who respects him and is attracted to him. Maybe he went rambo, maybe he sucked at escalating and initiating, maybe he was an insufferable asshole, but maybe just the simple fact of coming onto his wife every day was enough to push this unattracted woman over the edge.

All this time, I had no idea what was going on. Then I came across his history- yes I was snooping. I saw all these posts about redpill/marriedredpill. WTF. The more I read, the angrier I became. I can't look at him in the eye anymore. What makes a human being THINK they have the right to manipulate another human being? What did I do to deserve the anxiety, the depression he created? Why- if you supposedly love someone- do you do this?

This is what a hamster sounds like when you fuck up.

This was all a month ago- I have no idea if he has stopped reading it or not- he says he has. He told Me it was a support group for men- nothing else. I go from moments of anger to moments of sadness. I'm probably going to get out of this relationship and it will destroy my kids- I just can't phantom why he would this to me. All I can think of is about the poor women who are trapped in a relationship with some lunatic who thinks it's ok to play with someone's emotions. I can leave because I have a strong support system. i don't think I will ever be able to trust another relationship. I am writing in this forum because I want to reach out to others and see if anyone has gone through this. How did you get over it? How did you rebuild your confidence? How did you rebuild the ability to trust others? Peeps- I'm broken. Thank you for reading.

I'm sure she thought her husband might read this to dread the fuck out of him. Live for her or get left bro. I would like to think that if I were discovered I could own everything I've said here and hold frame and get on with my life with or without her, but maybe I would fold too. Trump gets to grab women by the pussy and be president. You visit a sub where the most common advice is to lift and don't be butthurt and you're done.

I don't really want to know whose woman this is...but it could be any of ours if we go rambo and fuck this up guys.

Some lessons:

  • Keep fight club a secret, the penalty for not "just getting it" is disgust and hatred.
  • Step 1! Lift! Be attractive, don't be unattractive
  • Do not ever be butthurt
  • Do not talk about sex
  • You have to like you wife
  • Work up the levels of dread slowly, do not jump around

In regards to this man personally, I'm sorry she isn't attracted to you man. The fact that she is this angry and has all these emotions means you potentially DO have a chance if you want this to work. Maybe she's a SAHM and enjoys the lifestyle, or whatever, maybe she "loves you but is not in love with you." It is going to be the long normal MRP ride though. Becoming attractive, being valuable, being benevolent, being a good captain, erasing the scoreboard, build a frame and a life she wants to live in. She CAN give you the relationship that you want, but she has to want to, and she will only want to if she is attracted to you because you have fixed yourself, not her.