When Blue Pillers are pressed to explain why they believe we are a cult, they cite an alleged "blind belief in the material in the sidebar" that we have. It's not blind belief if the men who have read the sidebar have permanently applied the philosophy to their lives and found that it works. It's not blind belief if there is zero proof that any of the material in the sidebar is false. It's not blind belief if the women of one of our sister subs, r-RedPillWomen, have read the sidebar and agree that it makes sense, and form their own TRP-related blogs that are geared towards a female audience.

Reasons TRP is not a cult:

  • We don't have any hierarchy, much less leaders. The only "leaders" we have are the moderators of our sub, the flaired endorsed contributors, and the writers that have contributed to our sidebar...but that makes it no more of a cult than any other subreddit or forum.

  • We don't engage in mind-altering practices.

  • We don't demand that people think/act a certain way. We provide people with information, they can decide how they want to apply it to their own lives, and we openly discuss our opinions in the sub.

  • We have don't have membership, outside of subscribing to the subreddit. Again, that makes us no more of a cult than any other subreddit. In fact, we actively discourage recruitment and talking about TRP. We tell people on the sub to treat TRP like Fight Club, wherein the Number One rule of Fight Club is, "Don't talk about Fight Club." Many Red Pillers discovered TRP through word of mouth from Blue Pillers trash talking it. If those Blue Pillers hadn't remained willfully ignorant and actually read the sidebar, they would have seen that one of the recommended reading materials is The 48 Laws of Power. Law 36 is "Disdain things you cannot have, Ignoring them is the best revenge." Ignoring TRP's existence diminishes our power and influence over others, which is what both Red Pillers and Blue Pillers want. Unfortunately, Blue Pillers like are the ones doing much of the recruiting for TRP by continuously pointing out the fact that we exist.

  • We don't make profit. The only people who try to make profit are people, whose names I won't mention, that shameleslly advertise their goods/services in their posts.

  • We don't have any group related activities or expect anyone to devote any time to us.

  • We don't isolate each other from the outside world.

So what exactly is it about TRP that makes Blue Pillers believe it is a cult?