Hi guys. I’m married to a woman that disrespects me and criticizes everything I do. She remains with me because of her need to control who enters my kids lives. She doesn’t want me to have 50% custody and she doesn’t want another woman in their future. As far as I’m concerned, I don’t want another woman if life will ever end up like this again. I personally cannot handle the insults, anger, criticism and disdain she has for me. We don’t love each other and won’t ever feel that way again. This relationship is done and I want out but I fear losing my kids more than half the time. She has been building a case against me based on her beliefs of who/what I am and most of it is absolute lies and garbage. I am working on quietly planning an exit but lawyers are expensive and what could I do now to improve my chances of having 50% custody. I also want her to go back to work but she refuses to because she claims our teenage kids need her at home (which is complete bullshit, they are typical good kids that do well in school and play some sports). I’m bordering on lifetime alimony if I don’t act fast and the longer she disrespects me in front of my kids the more my kids will think that’s ok. I don’t disrespect her, I just try to keep the peace at this point. Any advice guys? I could continue to live in hell to wake up to my kids every day but her relentless verbal insults is killing my soul.