I served a couple, younger than me, probably in their mid or late 20's, out for dinner and drinks w a friend of theirs, another fellow. They all seemed like polite well behaved ppl.
Then the bill comes. I always hand the bill to a man. She reached for it, all "no please don't, let me..." It was a big check. I'm sick of this shit!! I couldn't keep quiet.
I looked right at her and said, What is society turning into? Why are we always fighting to pay the check? Her bf said "Yeah it's weird." Well ladies, I came back, he paid the whole bill and gave a very generous tip.
FDS for the win! Gave me a little hope.
[–]arnezuaraFDS Apprentice 107 points108 points109 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]londochigFDS Newbie 264 points265 points266 points (15 children) | Copy Link
[–]LifePopFDS Newbie 76 points77 points78 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]GlitterLoveAngelFDS Newbie 93 points94 points95 points (4 children) | Copy Link
[–]brylm92FDS Newbie 81 points82 points83 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]londochigFDS Newbie 24 points25 points26 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]TerryThePilot 9 points10 points11 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]The_Cat_EmpressFDS Newbie 32 points33 points34 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]TrailingKat 6 points7 points8 points (7 children) | Copy Link
[–]stealthreplifeFDS Newbie 11 points12 points13 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]thewetdog_Ruthless Strategist 17 points18 points19 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]ctrlcutieFDS Newbie 2 points3 points4 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]londochigFDS Newbie 1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Colour_riotFDS Newbie 0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]frenchroast67FDS Newbie 137 points138 points139 points (2 children) | Copy Link
[–]nothingt0sayFDS Newbie[S] 37 points38 points39 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]randomgirl34861FDS Newbie 25 points26 points27 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]XRozeFDS Newbie 84 points85 points86 points (12 children) | Copy Link
[–]scorchedsouIFDS Newbie 53 points54 points55 points (11 children) | Copy Link
[–]XRozeFDS Newbie 28 points29 points30 points (9 children) | Copy Link
[–]_cnz_FDS Newbie 30 points31 points32 points (2 children) | Copy Link
[–]XRozeFDS Newbie 6 points7 points8 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]stealthreplifeFDS Newbie 6 points7 points8 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]scorchedsouIFDS Newbie 12 points13 points14 points (5 children) | Copy Link
[–]XRozeFDS Newbie 25 points26 points27 points (4 children) | Copy Link
[–]scorchedsouIFDS Newbie 12 points13 points14 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]moonartemis1989FDS Newbie 8 points9 points10 points (2 children) | Copy Link
[–]XRozeFDS Newbie 4 points5 points6 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]moonartemis1989FDS Newbie 1 point2 points3 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Sekina7FDS Apprentice 0 points1 point2 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]NemesisNoireFDS Newbie 61 points62 points63 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]nothingt0sayFDS Newbie[S] 89 points90 points91 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Specific-Composer300FDS Newbie 21 points22 points23 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]Fun_SherbetFDS Apprentice 29 points30 points31 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]nothingt0sayFDS Newbie[S] 4 points5 points6 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]pomakesbento 14 points15 points16 points (2 children) | Copy Link
[–]nothingt0sayFDS Newbie[S] 1 point2 points3 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[+][deleted] (5 children) | Copy Link
[permanently deleted]
[–]nothingt0sayFDS Newbie[S] 57 points58 points59 points (1 child) | Copy Link
[–]The_Cat_EmpressFDS Newbie 32 points33 points34 points (0 children) | Copy Link
[–]scorchedsouIFDS Newbie 28 points29 points30 points (0 children) | Copy Link