We men here on TRP spend too much thinking of women. We plan and scheme on ways to bag them. I'll tell you something now, we've been doing this all wrong. TRP is a toolbox in your arsenal that you can use when shit hits the fan. I am most definitely guilty myself. I've read more than I need too, read posts that were simply pointless, the more I read the more angry I got. I want to share with you a secret, a solution if you will. Stop chasing women, instead stick to chasing money.

Nas once said: “You lose money chasing women, but you never lose women chasing money.”


Broke-> hustle -> money = women come flocking Single-> spend time finding girl -> find a girl -> spend money on her to keep her around so she can drain your money some more = time wasted.

Do you see what's wrong?

Obtain the cash, then the power then women will come to you.

The pursuit of pussy is full of many downfalls (the main one being loss of funds). What Nas was so wisely saying was that in your pursuit of money, the women will become a bi-product of that hustle.

It’s about having your focus on the right thing, your success, which will ultimately culminate in money and women. Let's face it, most women are not into you for your personality. We on TRP just focus too much on counter measures in case this or that happens. We over think everything. If the bitch is out of line, open your toolbox, look into it and choose the appropriate method on how to solve the issue.

Chasing women, in all honesty, is never the answer to anything. Logic is man’s best friend. It will help you avoid doing a bunch of dumb shit. All that you have is thought and action. Nothing more. Life being as short and sweet as it is, it is your job as a person, to minimize the time and energy you waste. Doing so will allow you to free up time to focus on things that are most important to you which of course is building your legacy and making money.

Chasing women not only will leave you holding your dick in your hand, it will also leave you looking like a fool. Keep in mind that the dating game is one big mind-fuck. I’m not referring to the lies that some men tell women just to get into their pants; I’m talking about the fact that every time that you meet a women you are basically putting on an act, a show not only in front of her but in front of everyone else you know as well.

No man (or woman) is ever completely himself when he/she first meets someone to whom he/she is attracted. Whether it’s human nature or the effects that society has had on our thinking is irrelevant, the truth remains that no person allows himself to be completely transparent to anyone new. It’s a defense mechanism that we all use because we are scared of rejection.

Women may not understand the workings of their own minds, but I’m cocky enough to say that I do. As soon as you start chasing a woman, she will lose interest in you — instantly as well as the money you want to make. Being chased is boring.

So stop chasing. Let them come to you instead. No woman — I repeat — no woman can find a successful, wealthy man unattractive. Being successful is universally attractive. Being wealthy is universally attractive. Focus on yourself, work diligently, hustle like the player you are, make that dough and I promise you that you’ll see results.

Life comes down to prioritizing. The people that become successful are the ones that know how to weed out any distraction that they have in their lives. Women are a distraction to men, sex is distraction to men and they have the power to derail our progress.