Ex moved out today. She filed back in July and we were officially divorced December 13th. She had a handful of people come here and move her things. I busted my ass the last week getting all of her things together and easily accessible to make it go quickly, and it did. She told me she wanted me to not be here while she moves. I told her this is my house and I will be here, and here I was. Then she told me there will be an officer here to keep an eye on things, go figure there never was one. I think there was her last ditch effort to try and get me to leave. I've got no reason to leave, we've had to maintain status quo for the last 6 months and never had an issue. She still slept in the same bed as me last night.
I was pretty upset this morning after she left with the kids to take them to her mom's to spend the night. This starts our parenting time schedule which means I won't see my kids until Wednesday, but I will pull through. My dad and my uncle came over to help me keep an extra set of eyes on the moving and also just to have people on "my side" in case some crazy accusations were made against me. It was a very calm process and now I'm sitting in my house alone ready to take a nap.
My parents will be coming over tomorrow with a U-Haul truck, I've got some furniture in a storage unit and they are bringing it here for me. I have a few gallons of new paint I picked out and my dad and I are going to repaint the living areas and kitchen tomorrow to really start making it a fresh start for me and make it how I want it to be.
It will definitely be an adjustment, but I have to remind myself that she has to adjust to this too and probably feels the same way as me or worse.
[–]25YDTT 6 points7 points8 points (1 child) | Copy Link
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