Basically I've been seeing more and more posts, at least on twitter that include "getting bitches", either its a meme or people telling guys that at the end of they day if they're not getting laid or have a girlfriend they're losers.

Ironically I see this meme getting posted a lot by "feminists" and women who want to shit on guys as well which infuriates me because they're 1. Enforcing the idea that women are objects that men should be going after for value and 2. A guy is a nobody/loser if their focus isn't attracting women.

I'll also see these same people complain about how women are objectified yet force these incredibly stupid "you can't get laid" insults which literally perpetuates the notion that a guy SHOULD look at women as objects for their own value.

Not only this, as a bi dude, seeing this stuff hurts because "liking men" is not even considered when placing value on men, its practically the opposite. Like my sexuality is not even thought about and I should be instead getting female attention.

I also feel like this just goes to show how lgbtq men are treated compared to lgbtq women. I see countless good representation for women on twitter (which is great), and the same people cheering for these women also make these incredibly cookie cutter "you cant get a girls attention" insult that the men they claim to hate make as well.