Uncle Vasya’s Guide On Dating Models

Ok, so this has come up three times recently on askTRP and so I have decided to turn my response into its own post on the main subreddit., as one guy suggested.

Pull up your chairs, fellas, and let Uncle Vasya tell you a tale.....

In my time I've dated a few models and a (minor) TV personality (while officially too "short" to be a model she was a total smokeshow and was the "lifestyle" correspondent on a news magazine type thing). She’s also been on some magazine covers—not Sports Illustrated but hey, it was still cool. Anyway, this will also apply to those of you who actually land your “one-itis” (although you will probably fuck that up), strippers (who present their own set of unique problems) and/or just an amazingly super-hot chick.

Oh, and before we get to the “Where do I find…” bit, you already know the answer. Your dating options in “East Booger, Idaho”, or “Asswater, Kansas” are already going to be pretty limited. Maybe you can get the former head cheerleader, or the ex “Miss Corn Blossom” or whatever. Beyond that, pack your shit up and move to where the hot chicks are. For me, that was NYC, co-incident with me finding work there.

The Positives:

-You are banging a total smoke show.

-You will discover you no longer need reservations...anywhere.

-They usually have a line on where to get great coke, anytime, anywhere. Probably shouldn't mention that one.

-A lot of them are totally cool, and completely dig it when a guy isn't fazed at all by them being models.

-Once you get one of them, you can usually get more later. Pre-selection in action.

The Negatives:

-Narcissism, Entitlement, blah, blah, blah. They get validated from the time they get up to the time the go to sleep. Then they get validated in their dreams. Then they get up and check Instagram, where they were validated overnight by an army of pussy-worshippers. You should not, of course, tolerate any bad attitude. When I get this from a girl, I tell her that I will "spank it out of her".

-They whine a lot about being "objectified"--until you don't objectify them anymore. As I sometimes advise guys in askTRP when their girls say “You only want sex!” card, play the “Be worried when I DON’T want to bang you anymore” card.

-Lots of creeper guys hanging around, offering them cash, trips, drugs, whatever...and, oh, yeah, dick.

-Another variant of this is the White Knight who feels he must “rescue” her from your evil clutches, despite the fact that she has zero interest in being rescued. She clearly doesn’t know what’s best for her and he does. Why? Because he's a "creeper variant". White knights reason that women want men who are "Noble and Good" and sine he is more "Noble and Good" than you are, she "should" want him and not you.

-You will get a lot of "Hmm. How did HE get HER?" looks. Bask in it. I've had guys ask me what was up, when my date went to the Ladies', and I generally say "I'm a millionaire and I have a dick down to my knees.","* or whatever gets them to go back to pondering the mysteries of the universe and not bothering me. OTOH, I have returned from getting fresh drinks to have one of my girls hand me a stack of business cards that she was given in the 10 minutes I was gone. /shrugs

-People will tend to follow any conversations you have with her in public, which is really a function of (a) her being super hot, and (b) “How did HE get HER?” You can use this to your advantage, sometimes. To wit, once upon a time, I was at an airport with an Uber Hottie, when it became clear that fucking EVERYBODY was listening in on our convo, because they all laughed when I treated her like a tardy child when what would have been “expected” by bluepills was that I should have bowed and scraped. So when she commented on it, I said, “Yeah, first, it’s because you’re the Super Hot Chick at Gate 15 and there’s NOBODY in 2nd place. Second, they’re all trying to figure out How I Do What I Do, the answer to which is, I have Gigantic Brass Balls that go ‘KLANK!’ when I walk.” So I acknowledged the situation, and then turned her focus back to the Narrative.

How to Make it Work:

-Stay Loose. If you try too hard, it’s going to come off like you’re…trying too hard. Don’t be this guy. Srsly. Next thing you know, you’ll be humping her leg.

-And you will also need "Sean Connery as James Bond" level Amused Mastery. Treat her like she needs adult supervision--TELL HER that she needs adult supervision.

-And You need Solid Steel Frame and Industrial Strength "Don't Give a Fuck". Like "The Outlaw Josey Wales" level DGAF.

-Expect nothing long term. Assume things will have a beginning a middle and an end, and that your job is to enjoy the FUCK out of the middle. When the time comes to let go, let go. Don’t lose your shit and fall into the Abyss. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

-Always remember YOU are the Prize. Presumably, you have made yourself exceptional in some way to catch her attention. Don’t fuck that up. Ex. I front my own band. We used to have a guitarist who could totally shred, and was pure joy to play with. Then he got married—to a girl who was a 6 at best. Ultimatums were issued. He had to quit, he doesn’t play anymore, he’s miserable and his wife is unhappy, too, because the cool guy she married is a middling guy now. Women kill your dreams.

-Possession of the Ass is 9/10th of the Law. One of my girls had the absolute Rear of the YEAR and would complain about nobody being interested in her IQ. So I started to refer to her ass as her IQ. When you see me with a woman, I will always have a hand on her somewhere. On the small of her back, when we’re walking, on her thigh when we’re driving, on her has when I want to feel her ass, etc.

-You ARE the Boss of Her. You take NONE of her shit. It's like catnip for them. You impose your will. One told me she was going to get a tattoo--because really, go ruin yourself to show how edgy you are. So I told the ONLY tat she was allowed to have was a tramp stamp that read "PROPERTY OF: VASILIY ZAITZEV". She giggled, and loved it.

-Call Her on Her Bullshit. One of them shit tested me (sort of) by showing up to our first date (which was a blind date), wearing no makeup whatsoever. I saw through this in 0.00000002 seconds. She looked great anyway, but I knew what was up. She pulled that again, once, when the relationship was established and I told her she looked like shit (she didn’t’ actually) and to go put some makeup on, which she did. I have never seen her 'dressed down' since.

-You need to 'Force Multiply' your game. Girls who are 'next level' hot get offered dick All Day, Every Day. You need to double down on gaming other girls1 and you need to mix in some condescension, liberally. Enough so she knows what the boundaries are. You LEAD, she FOLLOWS. Never let a bitch run your shit. If you do, you’ve lost.

-Understand Your Quarry. At the end of the day, she's a human being, and just a girl…standing in front of a boy…asking him to love her. Gag! I know, but like I said, you have to understand your quarry. They don't think (at least always) like we think. If we were them, we'd be coked up and lezzing out with other hot models, all the time. Now, some of them do actually do that. But most of them want every girl wants, they just have tyranny of choice. You are completely replaceable, unless you can get her to say this: "No guy has ever [talked to me/treated me/done this to me] before!"2 And that’s good news! Why? Because….

-You Need to be a Challenge For Her. Keep her a bit off balance. She has to think that she has to EARN your time, such as you spend with her. Like you might have half a dozen other, better options. The danger is to succumb to the dazzling radiance, but no, your eyeglasses must be the Deepest, Darkest Red.

-Create a Narrative. There is no substitute for game. Without it, you’re just another bluepill asshat who wants to drink her bathwater. Flirt. Tease. Tell her what you’re going to do to her. Create anticipation. Other times, I just say outrageous shit, and let them figure out if I’m joking or not.

And enjoy the ride. It will all likely come crashing down at the end. Relations with women that age are inherently unstable and transient, (unless you get a severe introvert who just wants a boyfriend and then never wants to go outside again. One of my girls is like that. Two, actually.) Back on the the Walls Tumbling Down, one of my favorites was an Eastern European number that my friends nicknamed "The Hotness". And then they started calling her that in front of her. It got to the point where they always expected that I would bring her and were disappointed if I didn't.

Once, early on, when we were out walking some guy at a cafe stood up, took off his sunglasses and tracked her like he was working for NORAD. I stared him down and when he looked at me, I said, "Eyes on your own paper, son." I made some joke about it to her and she said--without a trace of irony--"Oh, that happens all the time." Fu-u-uck. So that's what you're up against.

She wound up going to Europe for the summer season. As I knew that being the clingy guy who couldn't let go was a non-starter, I cut her loose (there wasn't really another option at that point), met a semi-famous actor....who turned her into a coke whore. It was painful to watch, long distance. So you hit the "eject" button and start over.

So when and if it happens for you, enjoy it, but there's so much shit that can go wrong, just Live In The Now.

Good luck.


1 As appropriate. This won't be as necessary with introverted girls. There was one who I am sure would have burst into tears (or had a seizure) if I had gamed other girls in front of her. She hated other guys hitting on her and watched over me like a hawk so that other women were scared to talk to me.

2 Most recently I was chatting with a girl I flirt with and she was going on about how she wants to get away from her work, blah, blah, sycophants, blah, blah, and other bullshit. I have created a narrative with her and we have discussed her hanging out up at my place....where I told her I would put her to work in my garden. She was a bit nonplussed by that suggestion and asked what else she might do and I told her she would sunbathe nude by my pool and get fucked a lot. Now, that may never happen with that girl, but she didn't exactly run away, either.