What’s up my brothers- first off, wanted to thank everyone on this sub for your years of support, r/Divorce_Men is a lever that I still pull 3-4 years post divorce and feel it’s my duty now to help others navigate their way off the plantation
My question is around something I’ve been noticing since about the 6 month mark, when the dust started to settle, dealing with the left over mind fuckery and exhaustion of divorce and the 24/7 stress of living in fight or flight mode in hopes of saving my kids from divorce and split custody. Certain my ex has an undiagnosed personality disorder or maybe she’s just a crazy bitch- but definitely feel my divorce was extra traumatic, extreme highs and lows many times multiple times in one day I could come home from work late and she would leave with the kids for days on end just to punish me ……….my question however is around mental & cognitive damage and if any of you have had and/or noticed any issues with your mental clarity, sporadic memory loss/finding words/adjectives and/or any trouble at work with focus, or just maintaining professional business acumen in general??
I’m 3-4 years post divorce, Healthy, work out, eat good, don’t drink anymore, Im told to be an above average looking 40 yr old male that’s making good money and for the most part happy. I do still struggle with sleep or staying asleep and my brain just seems as if it’s operating on an “use only what’s absolutely necessary basis”, almost unwilling/unable to seek out or absorb complex work or personal/emotional situations. Like it’s been stunted
Hard to explain really or articulate at times, I’m an avid reader and haven’t noticed any issues there really, aside from just loss of interest in general , but I pride myself on my intelligence, and always finding ways to better myself through knowledge and ability to be successful, provide value and exceed my peers expectations. Being a father of three boys it’s also just as important that I’m able to provide thoughtful feedback, capitalize on those in-the-moment coaching opportunities and helping friends and family members in need of advice. Feels more like cruise control, my senses numb, my drive not as sharp, less optimistic, less eager to learn at time. Like scrambled eggs my thoughts and ability to retain and interpret data is a fraction of what it was before divorce. Did the mental and emotional terrorism change something or cause permanent damage, Joe Biden status?
Anyone else ?
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[–]Zealousideal-Bear-37 0 points1 point2 points (1 child) | Copy Link
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