As I'm coming to terms with the fact that I was lied to in order to consent to abusive, painful sex(traumatic enough it's abuse but trickery/lying is not considered r*pe here), I've been reminded of another one of my early experiences. This player who was the first person I fooled around with but thankfully never slept with, led me on for months in the hope that he could trick a virgin into sleeping with him (he's still mad I won't sleep with him even now). One night he got impatient I guess and positioned himself and was about to push his community peen in. The only reason he stopped? I was continuously saying no loudly, please don't, over and over while he was saying "oh c'mon you'll enjoy it promise", "I'll put in just the tip promise", and variations on a theme. This ended after what seemed like minutes with a "fine I guess you really don't want to" and him coming off me. This is a guy who's only been rejected by me and is used to getting sex whenever. Though I keep blocking this asshole he keeps popping up like a mole in that whack a mole game.
Analyzing this has taught me that these types have a sense of entitlement towards sex that it's a given that they'll get it and that "no" is just a boundary they need to overcome. I've had other experiences like these where my first "no" wasn't respected, only my continual objection. Final thoughts; would this sense of entitlement tranfer into other forms of abuse? probably. Avoid these men as much as possible.
[–]queenofswordsxxxFDS Newbie 306 points307 points308 points (6 children) | Copy Link
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[–]pickmieshaexorcistRuthless Strategist 145 points146 points147 points (3 children) | Copy Link
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