Wondering if men are just absolutely ruined at this point. If the internet is where people are expressing themselves anonymously; well based on the absolute shit I’m reading that comes out of men, there is practically no hope for any woman to have a healthy monogamous relationship with a HVM…they just don’t exist.
Looking at society with sober eyes; there’s really no hope. All men, even the ones who seem to appear as well as say they’re in happy relationships, they would all cheat if they could be guaranteed of not getting caught. And that’s just one aspect.
They ask women: What do you bring to the table? Fuck you guy, first of all you’d have to come to me. Why? Cause this is actually how real biology works. But I don’t have the time or the inclination to hand out free lessons on history, science, genetics, evolution, or ethics. JFC
Men tell women: We can’t communicate. That’s our problem you see!!! Got it, but listen dude you have set in place a strict but silent set of terms that I have to telepathically understand and agree to. And, they are HIS terms, subject to change anytime. In addition, men tend to be terrible listeners in general, they possess short attention spans, and their general beliefs towards women being the lesser sex influences how well they can even receive and compute a single word we say. Sigh…
Then, there’s the competition all of us are unknowingly entering into; involuntary, when we enter into an “exclusive and supposedly monogamous relationship.” We can’t just be ourselves and be loved and honored and cherished as we are. No. It’s never enough. We’re not enough. We’re competing with every woman around us that the man finds attractive, we’re competing with the poor souls he’s watching late at night on his laptop….huddled down with the shades drawn and the headphones in and the Kleenex nearby. Which OC, these men don’t acknowledge that the women they’re watching are acting; and actually very empty sad and lost. That part never registers! We’re competing with the models and the categories of barely legal or MILF or OF; all women who are lost themselves in the confusion of the patriarch, or even worse victims of crimes that will never get justice. And this pattern, this pattern of twisted involuntary competition pits us against each other in a weird jealous way. It plummets our confidence, sense of self worth, and how we see ourselves and other women in society. We turn against our friends, we seethe at all other women…we become pick mes at some point in our lives and some of us never escape it. Some of us will never see that there is no real competition between us….it’s been fabricated for their benefit…not ours.
Finding HVM is akin to the beautiful pearl you’d find in an oyster, the gold that would catch your eye in a river, and in most places….more like a diamond in the hills.
I don’t want to completely advocate for all women completely giving up and staying single, after all this is a dating strategy sub lol….but maybe for most of us…this century is ruined and we will be fighting to set the precedent for future generations..Still very worthy but damn.
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