Why is hate against men viewed as acceptable, or even progressive? Do we deserve to be hated just for having a penis? Do we not have feelings? Aren't feminism the ones who say "it's okay to have feelings" to men? Why why are post like this allowed? Sure, a lot of people could argue that women have it worse when it come to sexism, but does that makes it okay to be sexist against us?

I am well aware of how bad some people who happen to be men treat women. However, I am also aware of people who happens to be women, who commits horrible crimes against men, and that does not make hating women even a little bit justified.

And while misogyny exist, sometimes even in subs like this, it's always frowned upon, and subs like this even have rules to protect against demonizing women. Misandry however, is the complete opposite. It's viewed as acceptable and sometimes even encouraged. Why should it be like this? I think it's time we stop this, for good.