2 weeks into this and started reading NMMNG. I'm engaged and glad I got started on TRP/MRP so I can be set up for a solid marriage. Lifted regularly for the last 3 years, cleaned up the diet, significantly reduced alcohol in the last month, but have always been the guy that does what avoids conflict or took the approach of it's easier if I do it because the conflict will be avoided...I thought it was being aloof but looks more like a doormat.

Here's the thing. My fiance does not take initiative. I would like to trust her to clean the house, bathrooms once a week, vacuum, mop, dust, and cook. She cooks regularly. I've always been positive towards her on that. The rest of the cleanliness she seems to careless about. The bathrooms could be dirty for weeks....she'll complain that she notices it's dirty but won't connect the dots to grab cleaner and wipe the shit down. (Wait for me to do it, or start a fight OR my all time favorite "Can't you just help me?")

Now I'm all for creating my reality which is a clean house and maintained yard. So I should mow, water the flowerbeds, do my laundry, clean the bathrooms, clean the floors, dust, do the dishes, pick up her shoes and whatever else she leaves around the house, and by some divine intervention of doing that for myself it's going to click in her head that maybe she should do some of this shit?

My question is I don't have a problem doing all that stuff but then what the fuck do I need her for? How do I set the boundary of -I'll handle the man chores and you need to handle the dishes,cleaning and cooking and putting your shit away?