TL;DR: This is in response to the "Chad isn't real" thread. There were some decent discussions there, others were just crap ("chad isn't real, you guys just imagine him") which I think it's just a weak argument/excuse from anti-Red Pillers who are trying to dismiss/deny the notion of Chad and him getting all the ass. I'll be explaining why Chad and 80/20 is very real by making a few key points.

I really don't want to make this into a long post, so I'll condense things as best I can. I think the best way for me to explain and describe the way I perceive Chads is to give a detailed account of the Chads I personally know in my life, I'll describe times when I've hung out with them and saw with my own eyes their interactions with women and why it makes me a firm believe in 80/20 (as a generalized concept), hypergamy, branch swinging, and AFBB. These are my personal observations.

1.) Chad Has Attractive Facial Features

The first thing I'll say is that more often than not (usually like 85% of the time) Chad has attractive facial aesthetics. That's it really, having a good looking masculine face is more than enough to get through the door regardless of how rusty his "game" may be, hell oftentimes Chads don't even really need to apply "game," women makes things incredibly easy for them which brings us to my next point:

2.) Women actively approach Chads or send out VERY obvious IOIs.

Case in point...

My brother is sitting in a bar by himself, it's not very busy, only a few other people are there. Across the "U" shaped bar is a hot girl, my bro is just there to enjoy a drink after a long day at work, isn't trying to hit on anyone at all, doesn't even pay attention to her, he's just quietly sitting there minding his own business. Girl walks over and asks "Why don't you look a woman's way?". Bro got digits and later hooker up with her. C'mon, "Why don't you look a woman's way?"....anybody who's honest knows that 9 times out of 10 it's men having to approach women if they want to talk to one, especially in a bar a common 'hook up' spot, and yet guys like my bro have women approaching them quite regularly with little to no effort on their part. Anyone who says what happened to my bro is a common occurrence is full of shit.

Another case in point involving my bro: One day he's sitting in his friend's apartment, at the time he was unemployed and crashing on his friend's couch, his friend is at work and he's home alone. A knock on the door. It's a girl working for a magazine company trying to get people to buy/sign up for magazines. Bro politely declines, she makes it a point that it's hot outside and asks is she can come in. Bro lets her in, offers her water...20 minutes later she's blowing him and soon leaves. He kept the magazines for free. Notice how it didn't matter that my bro was unemployed and sleeping on his friend's couch. AlphaPass. Again, anyone who tells you that is is a common occurrence for men is full of shit.

Another Chad I know is a friend of mine, he does manual labor and frequently goes to client's homes to bid jobs, it's a pretty regular thing for him to hook up with the MILF's and cougars who make up a large portion of his client base and like my bro's case they're often the ones who make the first move. One woman straight up asked him to whip out his dick so she could see it, another (married) woman initiated a hookup with him, he even said to her "I don't want to cause any issues with you and your dude"...her reply: "I want this, I want this to happen, this is for me". He too has also been openly approached like my bro, and like my bro he really doesn't have to do anything to make something happen: women just come up to them and start talking, some will even make their attraction and intentions pretty clear: "Wow. You're hot", "We should hang out sometime, here's my number", "I want to make you my husband", "Let's hang out at your place". There's no ambiguity or plausible deniability, women just flat out say what they want: "Let's fuck".

This kind of guy also pulls threesomes, including being approached by random couples in bars where the guy flatly tells him that his girlfriend finds him hot and asks if he'd be interesting in nailing her.

Women do not generally talk to guys they just met like this. This kind of thing of women approaching men and making the hookup very easy to happen does not happen to most men. It just doesn't. Anyone who says otherwise is bullshitting you.

3.) What Chad Is Like.

The Chad that RPers typically paint may be an exaggeration and at times look like outright caricature, but it's a fairly accurate exaggeration, the basic "blueprint" of what a Chad is like is mostly on point: Good looking (especially facial aesthetics, I can't stress that point enough), usually fit, strong and "manly", masculine voice, etc. Additionally things like having tattoos or riding a motorcycle can be a bonus - helps give off the "bad boy" image, and to cap it off these guys are usually very physically capable - meaning fighting is something they don't shy away from, they don't hesitate for a split second to get their hands dirty in a scrap if the situation calls for it, and even if they get arrested they'll suck it up and do the time - more bad boy image. It's fairly easy to understand why women get so wet for these "thugs".

On the question of height: Being tall is generally seen as a positive across the board while being short feels like a death sentence to many guys, but for Chads who are short it's not that much of a hindrance. I often find myself being taller than some of these Chads, in the scenarios I highlighted above both of those guys are on the shorter side; being tall is definitely a bonus but being short really doesn't get in Chad's way much. If you're good looking, fit, and confident as hell it can more than make up for being short. I've seen it happen.

4.) Chads Are Human.

TRP can often make it seem like these Chads are demi-gods among men who are immune to bad shit. That's inaccurate. Chads aren't invincible. They can still get cheated on or divorced raped, they can still lose frame, and although they certainly have ample sex with ample women they can still catch feelings towards a particular woman, they can still desire genuine LTRs, they can still want families, they can still get heartbroken, they can still have that Beta/BP mindset, etc

Chad as a person really isn't much different from your average guy, he just won a much better hand in the genetic lottery and consequently gets to enjoy (a lot) more causal sex, ONS, and FWB with women who often time are the initiator, it's also fair to say that Chad doesn't have to put in as much effort as the average guy who frequently gets rejected and most certainly does not have women randomly approaching him saying "You're hot. What's your name?"

5.) Strip Clubs are a good way to tell who's a real Chad.

Important note: Strip clubs generally enforce a strict "No Touching" policy, if a guy is getting too touchy feely for a girl's tastes she can easily have the bouncers kick that dude out. They take it very seriously.

Like escorts, the basic rule behind the strip club is the same: You pay for play. It's why it's called adult entertainment, it's all a fantasy designed for men to escape their everyday lives for a couple of hours. When that hot stripper comes over and sits in your lap, touches your hair and face, asks your name, asks if you want a dance, it's all meant to make you (the customer) feel like a stud.

Of course it's all an act. And guys know this too. Again it's a fantasy and feel-good vibe that guys are knowingly paying for. Sure you get some guys who become clingy/attached but for the most part guys generally understand that these are working girls, no she's not going to come home with you, no she's not going on a date with you. If you're not shelling out dough you're not getting any play, simple as that.

That being said...

Chads get the AlphaPass. As someone who has regular gone to strip clubs with Chads I can assure you that even these working girls who don't bullshit and are all about their money will totally give Chad a pass. Chads get free dances, Chads get longer dances, remember the "No Touching" rule? You guessed it - totally out the window with Chad. Chads get to finger her during the dance, Chads get blown during the dance, girls will sometimes pay for Chad's drinks/food, girls will tell Chad their real name and not their stage name, girls will hang out at Chad's table and just shoot the shit when they're not busy entertaining other dudes.

The girls are more real with Chad - it's like they take off their "stripper persona" and their real selves come out, they have real conversations with Chad about their lives outside the club, about their families and kids, their interests and hobbies, what they like and don't like sexually, their fears, hopes, and aspirations. Basically, they don't treat Chad like a fucking customer. Average dudes are treated as customers "Would you like a dance, baby? No? okay, see ya", usually the girls will also sit at average guys' table for a few minutes but again, they're working girls, it's their job to put on a persona and fake interest in you, they'll ask you the generic questions, maybe have a drink or two (that you pay for) with you, but once they see that you're not paying for a dance they'll politely leave you to find someone who will.

That's what separates Chads from "customers", the latter have to pay, Chads pay too but they get a lot more leeway. It's also pretty common for Chads and strippers to hookup outside the club, these girls are surrounded by thirsty beta, dorky, and ugly men all day so it's pleasant when Chad walks in and they can finally talk to a "real" man. To these girls, Chads are cool, 'normal' men and non-Chads are lechery "customers" who pay money to see some tits.

Case in point: One time at the club my friend had this girl with him, she tells him "I'll be back, I'm gonna bum a cigarette off this bitch", she then goes over and sits in some old guy's lap, putting on her fake smile and persona. Ouch.

Oh and it's not just the dancers either, the waitresses are also very turned on by Chad. My alpha buddy I told you about earlier has more than a few waitresses interested in him, some saying they are ready to cheat on their SO or will call him the moment they become single.

So yeah, if you want to see some RP truths in action, a strip club is a good place to go make some observations.

In conclusion: I hope this post sheds some light on the "Chad" discussion. I believe the Chad I've described here is the Chad that RPers are talking about when they mention Chad. BPers are saying that Chad is just a figment of your imagination, or that Chad is some preppy, white collar guy with expensive cloths and who has "status" over other men and that's what makes him Chad. That's not true. I'm trying to tell you that Chad can be unemployed and sleeping on his friend's couch, with a wardrobe consisting of nothing more than a plain tee and jeans, and they'll still pull more ass than the preppy, rich, white collar businessman.

Alpha Chads inspire genuine and instant lust from women, the pussy tingles, which makes getting laid a hell of a lot more easier. This is not the case for non-Chads, non-Chads have to wade through rejection after rejection and go above and beyond in their appearance, clothing, career, and "game" in order to get laid. But remember, Chads are also just normal human dudes with human flaws, they just won a better hand in the genetic lottery and these Chads appear to make up only a minority of men overall, thus confirming 80/20 for me as well hypergamy and AFBB based on how women set completely different standards to different types of men.

Finally, I'm done. Discuss.