A broken clock is right twice a day, I suppose.

Still archiving because Slate is still a feminist shithole, regardless.


Moments in my life when I wished I weren’t female have been rare. One of them happened this week, when I noticed the word choreplay was entering the lexicon. It came up prominently in a New York Times op-ed co-written by Sheryl Sandberg and Adam Grant about how men also benefit from gender equality. The authors cite the dubious study showing that couples who share chores also have more sex. Sandberg says that she advises men who want to please their wives to skip buying the flowers and instead do a load of laundry.

“A man who heard this was asked by his wife one night to do a load of laundry,” she writes. “He picked up the basket and asked hopefully, ‘Is this Lean In laundry?’ Choreplay is real.” I don’t fully understand what this man toting the basket of “dirty” clothes was hoping for. Is “lean in” now a sexual term? Did men use to say these are “pretend to be my secretary” flowers? Did that couple “choreplay” right there on the laundry room floor, or does the innuendo carry you deep into the night? Either way, I really, truly do not relate.

Women - assuming they have any social awareness whatsoever and don't have some form of female autism, know they can use the power of their pussy to trade for things from weak-willed men. Easy validation hits, free lunch, free rides, maintenance on her car or computer, homework help, or even a backup boyfriend if she needs one. Or, in the case of marriage - free household chores. Just promise there could potentially maybe be a little sexy something in it for them later and bam, she gets free shit. And then she just doesn't give them anything sexy. What, you didn't think she's that kind of girl, did you?

Feminist agitators like Sheryl Sandberg have encouraged this deception en masse, saying that "women should start encouraging men to participate in household chores in exchange for sex!" which is a thinly veiled way of saying "women should start manipulating men into thinking they'll get sex if they do household chores!"

Ask anyone in /r/deadbedrooms what they think of "choreplay." Spoiler alert: it's a punchline. You make women want to fuck you by being a badass. Not by folding clothes into neatly organized piles.

Hanna Rosin of Slate, in a rare moment of feminist honesty, agrees. She even cited the study which has definitively proven this: https://archive.today/nmts9

For eons we described men’s sexuality as urgent, ungovernable, rooted in pure physical pleasure. Women, by contrast were cuddlers, more interested in securing the nest than getting it on. Then in the last few years, sex researchers have figured out that this is utter bullshit.

Eeexactly. Traditional knowledge says that if you want to gain a woman's interest, you have to "court" her. Buy her pretty things, give her your genuine Disney fairytale love for the rest of your life, and promise her the safety and security of a marriage contract, for example.

But as we've all seen firsthand, while women may genuinely want these things, there isn't necessarily as much connection between providing these things and being women's favorite sex partners.

Daniel Bergner’s book, What Do Women Want?, is an examination of the weird and surprising things that turn women on.

"Weird and surprising," only if you aren't a member of a certain 100,000 member strong rape club. For example,

The idea that for women desire and domestic comfort are linked turns out to be not so straightforward, for example.

Beta bux...

As researcher Marta Meana found, a recurring type in women’s fantasies is something like a gentleman predator, someone who wants them so much he loses control, but not so much that he actually hurts them. It’s a narcissistic fantasy about being so irresistible that you throw the ordered universe out of balance, not a tame one involving Downy and perfect creases. Did we suffer through Fifty Shades of Grey and learn nothing?

Alpha fux.

TLDR: don't listen to feminist lies. Doing the dishes and vacuuming the living room won't get you pussy. Even Slate acknowledges this.