Breaking up with a partner hurts. But if that said partner is significantly better looking than you it hurts even more. Especially if the least fortunate looking one of the couple happens to be the woman. Women tend to suffer A LOT if the relationship with the male partner who is handsome comes to an end. That is why I think that women should not aim for "beauty" in male partners. A lot of women tend to become lifelong heartbroken if she aims for a handsome partner and this relationship comes to an end. The Alpha Widow phenomenon is VERY REAL. Women always get the short end of the stick if she relates to a very handsome male partner. Also, everything that the handsome partner does wrong will be WAY MORE offensive due solely to the fact that the partner is very attractive. I am not saying that you should not have a handsome boyfriend. All I am saying is that if you decide to blind yourself and get into a relationship with a "beautiful person" just for the sake of it, you definitely setting yourself up for a lot of headaches and broken hearts.

TL;DR: Breaking up with a beautiful partner hurts much more than breaking up with an average partner and women suffer even more.