Edit: please clarify if you are a guy or girl.. since most people don’t even read the question we are getting completely random answers.

It seems there are a lot of words that can be endearing coming from an old man, but when a younger man uses them they are taken as creepy. I get "honey" and "sweetie" a lot from black women, but I hesitate to use them myself... though I would like to return the friendliness so maybe I'm overthinking.

When I chat with a receptionist or waitress I have urge to use something like "babygirl" or "darlin" (in a Southern way), but I'm not sure if they would be taken positively.

Ladies in your 20s and 30s... please assume attraction, indicators of interest, etc. Of course anything along the lines of "sweetie", "darlin", or "honey" would be creepy coming from someone you don't want to hit on you... but if you met someone like Brad Pitt or Pete Davidson, what would you want them to call you? Is it different if they are simply handsome and fit vs famous?