I've noticed a recurring theme here in TRP. Some guys always want to hold frame, be aloof, be dominant, impose their will, win at sexual strategy, improve their game, have things go their way, spin plates, pass shit tests, not give a fuck, etc... all while still trying to be a "good" and "fair" guy. They don't want to ever "hurt" a girl. The idea is to be "balanced" between being a challenge to women and yet still being a kind person. Basically a suped-up beta male.

This disease needs to be cured. Stop clinging to this bullshit. There is no "good" guy. You cannot be "balanced." Stop being a wuss. Stop being beta and calling it the “true” alpha or "fair" or "mature." This is about male empowerment, regardless of what that means for women. The focus is on US getting the results WE want. THAT IS ALL.

Don't believe me, I'm just some dumb fuck on Reddit. Instead, head over to The Rational Male and let Rollo Tomassi put this issue to rest once and for all:

The Myth of the Good Guy

I am aware of certain (formerly red pill) bloggers who promote the archetype of a ‘Good’ guy as some role for men to ideally aspire to. The ‘Alpha Cad’ archetype must necessarily become the ‘douchebag’ caricature of an overtly distasteful masculinity (for men less able to embody it) and yet, the opposite caricature of the doormat, supplicating ‘Beta Dad’ is equally distasteful and certainly untenable when we consider that ‘attractive’ qualities are never ‘arousing’ qualities.

Nice guys and jerks. There's a clear dichotomy.

So the archetype of the ‘Good’ guy is offered up as some sort of livable, compromised ideal. If men could aspire to embody the best of the Alpha and temper that with what they define themselves as the best of the Beta, well then he’d be the ‘perfect’ catch for any woman of course.

The fantasy is to combine the two, to be the perfect man. But, as Patrice O'Neal would say: "Horse shit."

The problem with this ‘Good Guy’ myth is not because men can’t or wouldn’t want to try to balance women’s Hypergamy for them, but simply because women neither want nor expect that balance in the same man to begin with.

It's called a DUALISTIC mating strategy. Yes, dualistic. Do you know what that means? "The division of something conceptually into two opposed or contrasted aspects, or the state of being so divided."

Which side are you on? Alpha or beta? Pick one.

Women neither expect nor want a ‘Good Guy’ because he’s not believable, and his genuineness is always doubtable. That may sound jaded, but throw away any idea of being a ‘Good Guy’ balance of Alpha and Beta, because the Beta side of ‘good’ is so reinforced and common in men that it’s become the default template for women’s perception of you.

If you don't pick one, chicks will pick for you. And you will be placed firmly in the beta camp. Are you listening? TRYING TO BE A "GOOD" GUY GETS YOU TREATED LIKE A BETA.

There is no Alpha with a side of Beta, there is only the man who’s genuine concern is first for himself, the man who prepares and provisions for himself, the man who maintains Frame to the point of arrogance because that’s who he is and what he genuinely merits. There is only the Man who improves his circumstance for his own benefit, and then, by association and merit, the benefit of those whom he loves and befriends.

Stop playing half-alpha and start actually being alpha. Stop supplicating to women by trying to be Mr. Perfect for them, strong for them, "tough but fair" for them, and start thinking entirely about what you can get from them. Her fate is not your concern. If it is, you are beta. And when I say alpha and beta here, I mean the sexual role women assign to you, whether you like it or not.

There is niche scenario of balancing alpha and beta within the context of a marriage/LTR. Well if you made the mistake of getting married then hell, by all means, please that aging bitch with your alpha/beta balance. This is covered earlier in the same article:

“He’s so great, awesome personality, funny, in love with me, supportive, etc., but I wish I could freeze him in time so he’d be the same guy and waiting for me when I turn 29 or 30.”

On some level of consciousness, like most women, she knows the dictates of what her own Hypergamy is predisposing her to. She knows she’ll eventually need that ‘perfect’ supportive, in-love guy to live out the long-term aspect of her Hypergamy with,…after she’s exhausted her short term breeding potential with men who better embody the Alpha Fucks dictates of her Hypergamy.

That "balance" of alpha and beta you think is so effective for marriage is really just about supporting a chick after she smacks into the wall, and now wants as much alpha in her beta partner as she can get. By all means, balance the two as you support that aging bitch, remember: married men lose. For the unmarried men here, you can toss this strategy aside. Be as alpha as possible and fuck young plates in their prime.

Another article: Build a Better Beta (catchy title!):

However, the utility of exploiting Game in theory (not in practice) to better serve that female centrism hasn’t gone unnoticed. This has given rise to what might be called “sanitized Game” – take the primary elements of Game to build a better Beta. With such an overwhelming social undercurrent for men to ‘Man-Up’ today it’s really simple pragmatism to reinterpret Game to serve the expectations and entitlements inherent in fem-centrism... for all of their efforts to contort Game into their personal agenda’s boxes, they’re still living in and fostering a feminine-centric imperative. If there’s a definition of the Matrix, this is it.

To attempt to be alpha in a nice way is to still be stuck in the feminine-imperative matrix. Chicks dig jerks. Take the Red Pill and accept it already. Be mean to chicks when it benefits you.

The overarching point is to create a more acceptable man for a female defined goal, NOT to truly empower any man. (!!!!!!)

"Good" guys are the stuff of feminists and PUA marketers. Who know you want to gain "confidence" without becoming too much of a "mean" "jerk." Fuck that, be the boss from now on. If a bitch doesn't see things your way then simply kick her to the curb. And maybe even do it anyway, just because you felt like it. It's called dread.

There is no feminine opposite to this; there is no counter effort to make women more acceptable to men – in fact this is actively resisted and cast as a form of slavish subservience. This is the extent of the feminine reality; it’s so instaurating that men, with the aid of “concerned women”, will spend lifetimes seeking ways to better qualify themselves for feminine approval. That’s the better Beta they hope to create. One who will Man-Up and be the Alpha as situations and use would warrant, but Beta enough to be subservient to the feminine imperative. They seek a man to be proud of, one who’s association reflects a statement of their own quality, yet one they still have implicit control over.

Are you getting it? Chicks aren’t trying to be better women for you. They are trying to take what they want. They are being selfish, so you had better be too, or you’re a sucker. By trying to be both, you are only setting yourself back.

And another: Up the Alpha:

It is a far better proposition to impress a woman with an organic Alpha dominance – Alpha can only be a man’s dominant personality origin. There is no Beta with a side of Alpha... Women may love the Beta, but they only respect the Alpha.

Stop being concerned with women. Their feelings are irrelevant, except for how it helps you get what you want. Stop being a pussy. Stop being a white knight. Stop caring about them. THEY DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU.

And another, from The Perfect Man:

We can go on and on about how most women LOVE good beta traits, but they simply ARE. NOT. TURNED. ON. BY. THEM

You can get laid by being alpha, or you can get approval by being beta. Pick one.

Women love the concept of tempering the dominant asshole Alpha. It’s a common romance novel fantasy for women to be the uniquely soothing influence over the rebellious jerk who wets her panties with her arousal.

Does this post sound like a broken record? Good.

Bitches ain't shit. You’re the man and you’re the boss. If hurting them is effective then so be it. Hell even if it isn't, as long as you enjoy it then do it for fun. Be a strong man for a change. Pimps up, hoes down. Put yourself first. Stop being both a wannabe alpha male and a white-knight-we're-all-on-the-same-team beta bitch at the same time. You can’t. We are adversaries, so pick one. (Hint: women want to lose.) This is about sexual strategy, not protecting dumb ass bitches from their stupid ass tears and feelings. Man up and get serious about your sexual success already. Put them in their place and take your throne as an alpha.

There is nothing wrong with putting your own needs first... and last. It's OK. It's the rational thing to do. Optimize your life.

Or don’t. Keep being a white knight at heart, who thinks he swallowed the Red Pill, but really just wants to please women by simulating a few alpha behaviors but from a safe, beta position. The ladies thank you for your service. They sincerely do appreciate it, and as soon as those alpha jerks are done using them, they will turn to you for your kind and generous support.

I don’t think I can beat this dead horse are more. Either you get it or you don’t. The white knights with fake Red Pill awareness will downvote me and argue and flame me for being a jerk when it’s “unnecessary”. They will say that I’m mean and bad, and that one should always minimize and harm to a bitch. And that you should leave her better than when you found her. Then they will keep reading Red Pill theory and try to figure out how to take science and logical observation, and then neuter it for their own safe beta cooperative wimpish impulses. Ignore this lesson at your own peril.

EDIT: There is a difference between being as alpha as possible and being as much of a jerk as possible. Alphas can be jerks at times, often even, but they can be nice sometimes too. And Betas can act like jerks too sometimes. It's not like being beta = perfect angel. "Alpha" and "jerk" are two different things. It's not like walking around saying "go fuck yourself" to everyone you meet makes you super alpha lol. 100% alpha /= 100% bad person. That's a gross oversimplification to the point of mental handicap. Yet people with Aspergers are in here trying to argue that one doesn't need to always be a bad person at all times to succeed with women. Duh. I never said that, it would be absurd. Being kind to people (especially in times when it benefits you) doesn't instantly turn you into a pure beta. This really needs to be understood. Be as alpha as possible, NOT as much of a harmful prick as possible. But sometimes being alpha, you are a selfish asshole. Either your brain is capable of understanding this or it isn't.