I get the guys are trying to toughen everyone up. But why does there have to be so much hate and negativity for a sub where men are coming together trying to improve themselves ?

The preaching of STFU & FRAME but then calling someone a faggot for being new to the material is just as bad as calling your wife a moron for not doing the dishes.

How is this negativity helping anyone? It just makes the sub look bad. The mods will say stuff like that also when they too can just STFU if they don’t like what’s being posted or simply remove it.

it’s become a huge ego driven way of saying your better than someone else. It’s almost like the jocks picking on the less popular kids to be cool. It feels like high school sometimes in here. There’s so much of it going on. You cannot honestly say that bashing others for having an ego (ego is something I’m working on) for upvotes or perception of status does not have ego issues involved it. None of the sidebar reading tell you to do this type of stuff so I’m not understanding why it’s become the norm.

I get no one here owes anyone else anything. But why not either be willing to help the guy or stfu instead of wasting your time. Because in the end you are just wasting your own time.

We all started out not knowing shit that’s what brought us here. And we’re all men trading notes. Having all this negativity surrounding the sub kind of defeats the huge purpose of what a lot of us are trying to accomplish.

Instead of calling someone an autistic faggot to be a funny tough guy. Why not either give them some good advice. Or practice what you preach and STFU and not waste your precious time. You can’t tell me taking the time to comment “faggot pussy” under someone’s post isn’t a waste of your time and theirs.

I know someone will try to clown this post and make a joke out of it just further proving the point.

But I’m honestly trying to understand and have a serious discussion on why all this negativity is necessary when we’re all men here for a similar purpose/goal in a world where we are already extremely out numbered?