I’m 32, he was 50. Emotionally unavailable, never went out of his way to be there for me in anyway. Sex was always his terms. Really, everything was on his terms. And because of the pickmeisha I was, I happily and eventually resentfully followed his lead. He followed young athletic girls on IG. Only drink dates. Would absolutely become callous and cold if I had an emotion about how he treated me. Eventually that led to him screaming at me over FT one day. His last relationship was 10 years ago; his ex wife who he would talk to her about our relationship. Oh and watches tons of Porn along with ED. Like viagra status.

This man wanted me to move in with him, he wanted to propose.

Over the course of the past few weeks and thanks to finding FDS, reading on attachment, weekly phone Therapy and really practicing my ability to set clear boundaries and what my needs and wants are. I was finally just done. I deserve better and I know it’s out there.

So, I blocked him on everything including phone.

Just wanted to share and maybe get some encouragement to not be weak and stay my new course.

I’m doing what I need to do to start leveling up. I applied to start school in a higher paying concentration then what I have now and plan to stick to therapy and being single AF for a while.

I’m pretty sure he was post divorce rebound.