Seriously I do. I envy the guys who had the balls to call it quits when they knew things were directing their lives towards a negative outcome.

I admire and envy the courage you guys have for being able to express your emotions after we’ve all be taught to hide them all inside.

I envy the ones who slogged through the sludge and swamps and found themselves with that amazing partner that made living 10x better.

I envy you who were able to withstand the constant gaslighting and love bombing (didn’t know about this until recently and holy shit is it fucking accurate)

I envy you guys because I do not have the balls to go. I do not have the courage to express my emotions. I do not have the guts to leave and find that special someone who is there for me. I don’t have the wherewithal to say no to the gaslighting and other Bs.

I envy you guys.