As far as I know, this is the only directly studied personality trait I’ve seen in attraction studies. How do you know you’re funny? If most people laugh at what you do or say.

It doesn’t matter HOW you’re funny. As long as most people enjoy hanging out with you and visibly laugh at little things you do, you are funny. In that case, be yourself.

If most people don’t, then you’re probably super serious, and need to let loose a little. In my experience, the combination of wit and carefree behavior predict humor. Extroverted people tend to be funnier.

Better looking people have a higher chance to be perceived as funnier. This is true. But this doesn’t mean your looks predict your humour solely. There have been multiple studies that showed funnier people had more women interested in them even after controlling for looks.

I still don’t think your personality is as important as your status/wealth/looks/etc but when personality does come into play, which it does for most people, humor is by far most important