I listened to a good bit of no more mr nice guy.

I realized this whole life I've lived it was to please the woman I loved. Expecting to have my needs met if I do everything right. Do this with everyone.

Even though she is moving out, I still offered to help because she is not asking for anything with the divorce. I offered to be the nice guy.

I always offer to be the nice guy.

Anger, shame, frustration, fear.

I'm at work, but honestly I'm a failure at this life. I failed and could not keep the marriage together, nor do I want to try with someone else.

I'm a user, manipulator, weak ,brittle, terrible person.

My job is IT where I make barely enough to support the house on my own and save a bit.

I run, video games, make some food, take care of the cats, work on the house.

But all I want to do right now is have some peace in my mind. To me, that is suicide. Finish work today, go home for therapy at 4, play some video games, pet the cats, and pull out the gun and kill myself.

I keep trying to wait until my ex leaves the house this saturday. She will be moved out and she doesn't deserve to come back to this.

My life is not worth living, and the people around me are better off without me. I'm tired, and I realize who I am honestly it sickens me. I say one thing, and then get so anxious I can't do it. Many years in the marriage she led me around like her kid. And do you know why I was okay with that? Because my mother died when I was 12, and my father abused me so I shelled up for so long.. until a co-dependent and I got together.

I'm so very numb right now, angry. Left the house in anger thismorning after telling her meekly I don't think I can help her move out saturday and she was frustrated. Honestly, I'm a weak man.

The comfort is that I can just end it.. just really truly end the pain. Years of compiled unhandled bullshit. The fantasies I lived in for so many years, just accepting day after day the life I will live so she doesn't leave.

I used all my friends and family for the first seperation, and now again for this one I don't feel like using anyone anymore. There is so much shame in trying again and failing, again.

This life is painful, and that is okay.

We all go through dark times, but some of us just aren't strong enough to make it through them fully. Sorry.
