The premise of PPD is to have a lively intellectual debate between the Liberal Egalitarian Feminist Blues and the AntiLiberal Anti Egalitarian Reds.

Because the blue side has existed in various iterations since at least the 60's it is acknowledged as a side. Thus platitudes such as Kill all Men and All Sex Is Rape arnt seen as trolling or intention antagonism but just part and parcel of feminist discourse.

The Red Pill on the other hand is much newer. If we examine the etymology of the Red Pill, a Red Pill is any discourse that is universally unacceptable to the public. In other words when the Red Pill is not offensive it becomes mainstream and stops being the Red Pill by definition.

Thus just as Kill all men is an acceptable part of feminist discourse Women Belong in the Kitchen is an acceptable part of the Red Pill discourse.

Until the Mods allow the Red Pill to discuss the philosophy in it's purest form which is to say it's abrasive form, the Blue Pill will be unable to debate the real Red Pill and will instead waste it's time speaking to non representative watered down apologists.

Now obviously allowing men to post things such as Women are Souless Vagina Machines whose only function is the production of sandwiches and babies is a tough proposition for the mod team. I'm not saying it's not. However the Red Pill is an extreme ideology, no Blooper would dispute that claim.

Is a non extreme non-abrasive Red Pill really a Red Pill? My vote is no and I'm GaylubeOil expert on all things Red Pill.