
Having a deep voice indicates high testosterone which is why it turns women on. This is a simple guide with daily excercises that deepens your voice and lets you speak louder and clearer. It might seem to good to be true that it is this easy to fix your voice, but try it out. If you suffer from the same problems as I had you won't be dissapointed with the results.


I used to have a weak, high pitched voice that make me anxious to speak to groups of people and women. Opening my mouth and having a hard time letting out words made me nervous wich made the problem even worse by making my vocal chords even more tense than what they alredy were.

I constantly had to repeat myself to people and seemed to put off people from talking to me or adressing me.

I realised that if my gains in the gym, my nice clothes and practice on game was going to raise my SMV to where I wanted it to be, I needed had to change my voice. After looking up speech therapists and how much that cost I thought of learning it myself by finding information online.

Here I will present what worked for me and what should work for you, after I applied these excercies I noticed change in my voice after 2 days, after 3 weeks I consider myself to have a long way to go but I'm way more confident when I open my mouth and the nervousness that I get from speaking has turned into confidence, applying my new voice into conversation and training it to keep up.

There are two keys to a deeper, low pitch and confident voice; Breathing and neck muscles.

Breathing with your upper chest and throat gives you a nasal, high pitch voice because you are putting to much pressure on your vocal chords. Learning how to breathe with your diaphragm takes that pressure off the vocal chords. If you like me never learned how to breathe with it, it will take some time to not only be able to control the diaphragm but also to use it while having a conversation with someone.

To try this out, read something out loud like you normally would, then pinch your nose and read it again. If you find yourself having trouble speaking while holding your nose or your voice sounds weird its because you are speaking to much with your vocal chords and not by using your diaphragm.

To take control over your diaphragm and the way you breath you have to do this excercise two times a day, this will have the biggest impact on your voice.

Exercise 1:

Stand up with a good posture and take a deep breath while keeping your chest and head still. Push your stomach out as much as possible while inhaling. At first this will feel odd but after some time you will start getting familiar with this new way of breathing using the diaphragm which you are automatically using while you are pushing your stomach out. You will eventually learn how to use the diaphragm without pushing your stomach out but it might take a while to get that muscle control.

Exercise 2:

The second key as i mentioned is neck muscles. If you are breathing with your throat and chest and have a high pitch voice you probably have to much tension going on in your neck. By doing neck excercises these muscles get stronger and overall more relaxed.

I recommend this neck exercise: Lay on a bed or bench with the top of your shoulders and head hanging off, facing upwards. Relax your neck muscles and let your head hang down towards the floor, lift your head up as long as you can. Do this 12-15 times and rest, 3-4 sets is enough 2 times a day.

Don't go crazy, you don't want to injure your neck so take it slow in the beginning.

Exercise 3:

Next excercise is the same but opposite. Sit up and let your head hang down so your chin touches your chest, put your hands on the back of your head and put some pressure on it while moving your head backwards. Do this for 12-15 times, 3-4 sets 2 times a day.


These are the essentials and makes for a good daily routine to help you relax your voice, you can google for more excercises but in my experience these were good enough for these purposes. As I stated I noticed a hugh difference after 2 days of doing this but I couldn't keep my deeper voice for very long untill I was back to tensing my neck and breathing with my chest, keeping up with the excercises and you will keep improving witch will leave you with another obstacle, which is using this voice while in a social setting and keeping up with it.