"The actress—who has starred opposite a number of high-profile “canceled” individuals like Johnny Depp, Shia LaBeouf, and Armie Hammer—addressed this hot-button topic in a new interview with The Hollywood Reporter. “Cancel culture is such a fucking downer. I hate that term,” Johnson confessed. She explained that she believes there needs to be some opportunity for redemption for these disgraced figures, adding, “I never experienced that firsthand from any of those people. I had an incredible time working with them.”

Oh hell no. I bet she'd just loooove to work with "alleged" child molester and confirmed step-daughter marrier Woody Allen too ("he's such a genius"!) The article goes on to detail the allegations against the actors. They have all abused women, particularly their intimate partners. A woman who says "I just can't believe that about him, he's always been nice to me!" is a terminal Pick Me who will literally side with a violent man over her sisters because she's so desperate to prove she's a Cool Girl who's Not Like the Others [who accused him of assault.]

Doesn't matter if it's their husband, their brother, their son or their favourite actor, if a woman is willing to overlook serious, credible allegations of abusive behaviour from a man you need to RUN, not walk, out of her life. She has no respect or compassion for her fellow women or herself. I remember being so disgusted by so many WOMEN continuing to support Chris Brown after he literally beat Rihanna black and blue - "she must have done something to deserve it", "he was abused himself!" or simply "idgaf he's SOO hot and I love his music!!". Horrendous. Make no mistake, if something happens to you she will treat you the same way. Don't waste your time with this toxic Pickmeisha.

Full article: https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2021/11/dakota-johnson-cancel-culture-downer-incredible-time-working-with-armie-hammer-shia-labeouf