Read a comment on a dating sub and one guy commented and said he wishes all men were the same height, that way women would basically pick men on better characteristics other than height.

That could be a subject on its own but it made me wonder, do men like physical differences in women much more than women do in men?

Most women (on average) seem to want that conventionally attractive 6 ft hunk with the nice jawline and kind of fit/buff. I would say light colored eyes but I think women do not always want that. None talk about wanting shorter men or fat men.

It seems like guys however are much more open to dating or having sex with women who are taller or fat/fatter than them and are also much more likely to pursue someone with at least one nice asset like nice boobs or hips despite the rest of the woman not being conventionally attractive.

So would dating be better if all men were the same height and women stayed the same? Would men appreciate the differences of women better in this scenario?

I feel as a guy, if all women were the same it would be kind of boring even if they have the perfect hip to waist ratio and perfect boobs etc. But based on all the conversations I see on Reddit regarding what women like, I feel like they would rather us all be the same tall Hollywood type of guy. Of course some women will disagree cause there are always exceptions but does anyone agree?