This should have been common sense but unfortunately I’ve seen it happening too often, even in this sub. That women are so frustrated and disappointed in men of their own races/cultures/countries that they got themselves into believing that other men are intrinsically better. It’s extremely dangerous to think that way.

This is especially true if you can’t speak or read their native language. I’ve got to admit that 99% of my knowledge about men (I mean how men are REALLY like) came from online communities where men (from my own country) frequent. It sickens me that how well they can disguise themselves in real life while only reveal their true colour anonymously online. I truly don’t believe that women from other cultures who can’t read the language can EVER got to understand what the majority of men from my culture are really thinking.

All cultures today (well, maybe except some small matriarchal tribes which are like, 0.05% of the world’s population) are misogynistic, but misogyny can manifest in different ways in different cultures. So if you think that men of certain backgrounds are better in X, be prepared to find out (better sooner that later) that they’re worse in Y regard, an aspect you may not even have thought of.

Now if you are seriously considering dating/entering a relationship with a man from another culture, I’d advise you to at least do these two things:

  1. Talk to women from his culture/background. Ask them how men/relationships/marriages are like in their culture. Believe me, they know 1000% better about their men than you do. If you really trust them, you can even ask them this controversial (but important) question: “Is there a trend for certain men in your culture to prefer dating foreign women? If so, why and what are they looking for in foreign women instead of local women?” (you can phrase it more politely/subtly, of course) You may hear some eye-opening answers.

  2. Go to the equivalent of reddit in his country/culture, and use a translation tool to read through as many posts by men as possible. If you still can’t understand something, go ask a trustable woman who speaks the language. Specifically, read posts by men who talk about their experience of dating/marrying foreign women.

I want to make it clear that I do not intend to discourage women from dating men of different backgrounds. Quite the opposite, it makes me happy when women are willing to expand their dating pool, because HVM are such scarcity in every culture. However, you also need to think from HIS perspective. Why would he date a woman of a different culture/background/race? It is because of pure love(which is extremely rare in men) or calculation? Was he rejected by too many women in his culture? Does he find women of his own background too high maintenance? Does he think a wife from a certain background/race can boost his ego and status? These are all examples I’ve seen/heard of in real life.