So RooshV put out an article on ReturnOfKings this morning, basically slamming the red pill:

The red pill is a non-commercial version of PUA with cultural observations thrown in. They hold firmly and obsessively onto rigid dogmas such as the alpha/beta male dichotomy to explain all male behavior while basing their “truths” upon a shaky foundation of pop evolution. Because it has no council of elders to guide the ideology, it is now being steered by the mob and watered down—or outright trolled—by entryists who are blue pill.


He's apparently trying to develop his own new concept of "neomasculinity". Think maybe he sees TRP and this subreddit as competition perhaps? Suppose he thinks he should be this "council of elders" he speaks of.


Edit: replaced the live link with an archived one


Edit2: apparently Roosh has released a video response on youtube to this whole thing (somebody just messaged me about it), where he claims to be "the father of the Red Pill" and that "For the first time (in 2005) I introduced the terms alpha male and beta male" (I'm not gonna link cause he doesn't deserve the views).

Bullshit. Folks on were talking about that stuff back in 1998-2004. Anti-Dump, Pook, and others were talking about all the same things. Many of the "ideas" Roosh espouses are lifted from them. Even alot of the terminology. He's not the "father" of anything. Just part of it. He doesn't even give credit where credit is due.

If anyone wants to know where the Red Pill actually started, go read the writings of Pook or dig around in the archives on SoSuave, most of it was written before Roosh even started his first blog: