Has there even been insecurity or jealousy from your SO about your past? How did you move past if so?

When I say unbalanced I’m not talking one or two number difference. More like a late bloomer dating a former party girl/player

I’m asking cause I’ve seen many posts about (mostly guys but sometimes girls too) feeling extremely insecure about their partners vastly more sexual past which leads to something breaking up in many cases. I was wondering if there was any case where it’s something they are able to move past.

Edit: Bonus round, people who have promiscuous pasts dating someone who comes from a traditional or religious background that doesn’t believe in casual sex, how were you able to work with that?

Second edit: Inexperienced people in relationships with promiscuous people who are not as sexual or kinky with you as they were with past partners, how do you work past that?

Also LGBT people, feel free to give your experiences as well, I’d like to see this from your perspective too.