I think in terms of gender issues, 2022 will be the issue remembered as the year "Red Pill" went from a niche internet subculture to a genuine ideology with a large proportion of the male population buying into its ideas.

I say this based on both online and real world observations: Red Pill influencers were far and widespread, including the very obvious example of Andrew Tate (despite him not identifying as Red Pill, his ideas are essentially very very similar) - and more importantly, they were mainstream. These influencers were not just on some dark corner on YouTube, they were on the podcasts of the biggest influencers in the world, debating and spreading their ideas. It seemed like at point this summer, every influencer in the world wanted to weight in on Tate and his arguments. This is a stark contrast from any previous year, where the idea of the "Manosphere" was still large, but generally not known by the average internet star.

But the most significant change I have observed has not been online, it has been in the real world. I am a college aged male, probably the Red Pill's target demographic - and the term "Red Pill" as it pertains to the specific ideology was essentially unknown to the average guy in 2021, and any discussion of it was relegated to online communities like this one. Now, however, essentially most guys I know have a decent idea of what the Red Pill is, and have a decently formed opinion on it. I have had multiple long discussions with guy friends about the Red Pill. And honestly? There is a large amount of sympathy for its ideas. I think people underestimate the frustration that exists within the young male population about the state of dating, and many of the arguments of the Red Pill takes those frustrations and provides a concrete ideology behind them.

I don't think the spread of the Red Pill is a necessarily good thing - but it is an absolutely real thing. I think that anyone who espoused Blue Pill viewpoints should be very mindful of the extent of those ideas and that a few social media bans probably won't stop their spread.